Ms. Fonseca et al., DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTED SEAGRASS BEDS IN TAMPA-BAY, FLORIDA, USA .2. FAUNAL COMPONENTS, Marine ecology. Progress series, 132(1-3), 1996, pp. 141-156
In this paper we report on changes in shrimp, fish and crab abundance,
composition and size in planted Halodule wrightii and Syringodium fil
iforme beds as compared to unvegetated, and natural, H. wrightii, S. f
iliforme, and Thalassia testudinum habitats in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
, over a 3 yr period (1987 to 1996). Using a gear type selective for s
mall resident macroepibenthic fauna (1 m(2) dropnets), we found that i
n 1.8 yr H. wrightii planted on 0.5 m centers developed an animal dens
ity, number of taxa, and species composition equivalent to that found
in natural beds. Animals tended to be larger in planted beds over the
course of the study. Comparison of planted S. filiforme and mixed H. w
rightii and S. filiforme with natural beds was impaired due to failure
of several planting areas but exhibited a pattern of development simi
lar in some ways to that of planted H. wrightii. Macroepibenthic anima
l density in planted beds displayed an asymptotic relationship with ar
eal shoot density, where animal densities became equal to natural beds
at shoot densities only a third of the average density for natural be
ds. This pattern corroborates the existence of threshold values of hab
itat structure in seagrass beds influencing numerical abundance of som
e associated animal communities. Macroepibenthic faunal abundance and
composition in planted beds could be inferred from the amount of areal
coverage of seagrass and its persistence over time, while measurement
of areal shoot density may provide an important first check point on
the road to functional restoration of seagrass habitat.