There is almost universal agreement among astronomers that most of the
mass in the Universe and most of the mass in the Galactic halo is dar
k. Many lines of reasoning suggest that the dark matter consists of so
me new, as yet undiscovered, weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP
). There is now a vast experimental effort being surmounted to detect
WIMPs in the halo. The most promising techniques involve direct detect
ion in low-background laboratory detectors and indirect detection thro
ugh observation of energetic neutrinos from annihilation of WIMPs that
have accumulated in the Sun and/or the Earth. Of the many WIMP candid
ates, perhaps the best motivated and certainly the most theoretically
developed is the neutralino, the lightest super partner in many supers
ymmetric theories. We review the minimal supersymmetric extension of t
he standard model and discuss prospects for detection of neutralino da
rk matter. We review in detail how to calculate the cosmological abund
ance of the neutralino and the event rates for both direct- and indire
ct-detection schemes, and we discuss astrophysical and laboratory cons
traints on supersymmetric models. We isolate and clarify the uncertain
ties from particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics that ent
er al each step in the calculations. We briefly review other related d
ark-matter candidates and detection techniques.