We have developed a new skeletal muscle ventricle (LSMV) powered by li
near contraction of the latissimus dorsi muscle (LD). This consists of
two bellows of different diameters joined by a connector containing a
valve. The smaller bellows is connected to the left atrium with a val
ve, and the larger bellows is connected to the aorta. The caudal tendo
n of the LD is attached to the connector. LD contraction pulls the con
nector to compress the larger bellows and to elongate the smaller bell
ows. This motion closes the valve in the connector, ejects blood in th
e larger bellows, and draws blood into the smaller bellows. LD relaxat
ion allows aortic blood to regurge into the larger bellows, Therefore,
the LD is stretched. In acute canine experiments, the stroke work and
power output of the LSMV measured 0.214 J and 0.135 W with a filling
pressure of 4.3 mm Hg.