Spin dislocation between the slice selection, phase encoding, and freq
uency encoding is a source of image distortions, Two strategies can be
pursued to improve the appearance of moving spins in an image. Either
the sequence is made equally sensitive to velocity-dependent dislocat
ion artifacts for all spatial directions or the sensitivity is reduced
with a shorter echo time, The first approach increases the dislocatio
n for the phase-encoding direction and is therefore not useful if velo
city maps with minimal distortion are the goal, FAcE (FID acquired ech
oes) is a sequence with separate sampling of the left and right k-spac
e half-planes that allows for very short echo times, It was applied fo
r velocity mapping of flow in the slice select direction, Special atte
ntion was paid to a compact design of the velocity-encoding select gra
dient to achieve short echo times even with high velocity sensitivity.
Artifacts introduced by in-plane motion were studied for FAcE and con
ventional gradient-echo sequences, both in phantom experiments and sim
ulation, FAcE allows for very short echo times with inherent motion co
mpensation of the frequency-encoding gradient, Thus, both motion-relat
ed dislocation artifacts and signal voids due to coherence loss in reg
ions with irregular how are minimal.