Surveillance is the collection, analysis, and dissemination of results
for the purpose of prevention. Surveillance tells us what our problem
s are, how big they are, where the solutions should be directed, how w
ell (or poorly) our solutions have worked and if over time, there is i
mprovement or deterioration. Surveillance is essential to successful s
ustained public health intervention for the purposes of prevention. Su
rveillance systems must be tailored to the specific disease or injury
that is to be prevented. Surveillance should not be limited to the occ
urrence of death, disease, or disability. Public health is a multileve
l cascade of activities involving recognition, evaluation, and interve
ntion Public health should include elements of experimentation as well
as field implementation with evaluation. Surveillance is the mechanis
m to modify any element in the cascade based upon that element's contr
ibution to prevention or lack thereof. Any element in the causal or in
tervention pathway is appropriate for surveillance as long as the moni
toring of the element is useful in improving the prevention system. Th
ese elements include the occurrence of hazard and intervention as well
as disease, death, or disability. Examples will be provided that demo
nstrate the roles of surveillance in the recognition of new diseases,
the evaluation of the persistence of recognized problems, the estimati
on of the magnitude and trends of public health problems, and the prov
ision of information to motivate intervention. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, In