gamma delta T cells bearing the canonical fetal-type V gamma 6/V delta
1 rearrangements are the predominant gamma delta T cells in the lungs
of adult mice. In contrast, these V gamma 6/V delta 1 T cells are vir
tually absent in the pulmonary epithelia of nude mice. The intraepithe
lial dominance of gamma delta T cells that express this particular TCR
is thought to result from a preferred thymic pathway of gene rearrang
ement and not from TCR-mediated positive selection. We now show that g
amma delta T cell precursors in the lung epithelium of both euthymic a
nd athymic neonatal mice generate this rearrangement in situ. In athym
ic mice, these clonotypes do not survive, but can be rescued in vitro
and in vivo by the lymphokine IL-7.