In population-based observational studies it has been repeatedly shown
that both treated and untreated hypertensives are dyslipidaemic and g
lucose intolerant to a large extent. Prospective studies have also ind
icated that hypertension is a risk factor for the development of non-i
nsulin-dependent diabetes. Therefore, evidence is accumulating that th
ese clinical conditions share a common background with pathophysiologi
cal mechanisms, eg, insulin resistance (syndrome X) or possible advers
e conditions during fetal life. Both non-pharmacological treatment (di
et, physical exercise) and new suitable drugs, such as the 'insulin se
nsitizers', may be used to treat the metabolic and haemodynamic distur
bances linked to insulin resistance. Clinical studies are needed to do
cument the effects of such treatments for patient with 'Syndrome 10' a
nd to compare them with more traditional drugs.