Hyperfine interaction techniques like Mossbauer effect or perturbed ga
mma gamma angular correlation are commonly applied to study the struct
ure and properties of impurity-defect complexes in solids. It is often
difficult to resolve a certain defect structure unambiguously with th
ese techniques, because an absolute determination of the lattice site
of the probe atoms is not straight-forward. The emission channeling te
chnique allows the direct determination of lattice sites of radioactiv
e impurity atoms, incorporated into single crystalline solids. The cha
nneling effects of electrons, positrons or alpha particles, emitted fr
om radioactive impurities are measured along different crystal axes an
d planes. From the measured anisotropic emission distributions the lat
tice sites of the emitting atoms can be determined. Emission channelin
g can be applied to a large variety of different probe atoms. Also, ra
ther low impurity concentrations, comparable to those typically requir
ed for hyperfine interaction techniques, are sufficient. In this contr
ibution, the principles of the emission channeling technique, the expe
rimental requirements and the quantitative analysis of emission channe
ling spectra are reviewed. The capabilities and possibilities, which t
he emission channeling technique offers, are highlighted by three rece
nt experimental studies. First, studies of the diffusion of Ag in CdTe
using transmutation doping with the electron emitting isotopes Ag-107
m and Ag-109m are described. Second, lattice location studies of As in
diamond, which is a potential n-type dopant in this material, will be
discussed. Third, an experiment is described to study the lattice loc
ation of oversized impurities after low dose implantation into Fe. In
this experiment, the unique decay properties of Fr-221 and Ra-221 are
utilized to determine the lattice sites of five different impurity ato
ms in a single alpha emission channeling measurement.