Aceruloplasminemia is a newly recognized autosomal recessive disorder
of iron metabolism due to mutations in the ceruloplasmin gene. Althoug
h the presence of these mutations reveals an essential role for cerulo
plasmin in human biology, the mechanisms of tissue injury in this dise
ase are unknown. We report here on the identification of increased pla
sma lipid peroxidation in multiple affected family members with acerul
oplasminemia. Consistent with the absence of serum ceruloplasmin, plas
ma ferroxidase activity was markedly reduced and serum ferritin was si
gnificantly increased. Plasma lipid peroxidation was determined as thi
obarbituric acid-reactive products (TBA products) in plasma samples fr
om control, heterozygote, and affected patients. Basal levels of lipid
peroxides were three times control values in patients with acerulopla
sminemia and were significantly increased in these patients in the pre
sence of copper ions and hydrogen peroxide. In each case these increas
es were suppressed by the addition of exogenous ceruloplasmin. These d
ata suggest that increased susceptibility to lipid peroxidation may co
ntribute to the unique neuropathology observed in patients with acerul
oplasminemia and imply a role for free radical-mediated tissue injury
in degenerative disorders of the basal ganglia.