Smooth pursuit eye movements were studied in monkeys tracking target s
pots that moved two-dimensionally. Complex target trajectories were cr
eated by applying either two or three sinusoids to horizontal and vert
ical axes in various combinations. The chance of observing predictable
performance was increased by repeated training on each trajectory. Da
ta analyses were based upon repeated presentations of each trajectory
within sessions and on successive days. We wished to determine how acc
urately monkeys could pursue targets moving along these trajectories a
nd to observe interactions among frequency components. At intermediate
frequencies, tracking performance was smooth and consistent during re
peated presentations with saccadic corrections that were well integrat
ed with smooth pursuit. The mean gain for eight different sum-of-sines
trajectories was 0.83 and the mean magnitude (absolute value) of the
phase error was 6 degrees. In light of the long delays that have been
associated with the processing of visual information, these values ind
icate that the monkeys were pursuing predictively. Five factors influe
nced predictive pursuit performance: (1) there was a decline in perfor
mance with increasing frequency; (2) horizontal pursuit was better tha
n vertical pursuit; (3) high-frequency components were tracked with hi
gher gains and phase lags, while lower-frequency components were track
ed with lower gains and phase leads; (4) the gain of sinusoidal pursui
t was always reduced when a second sinusoid was applied to the same ax
is or, to a lessor extent, when a second sinusoid of higher frequency
was applied to the orthogonal axis; (5) the phase of sinusoidal pursui
t shifted from a phase lag to a phase lead when combined with a second
sinusoid of higher frequency, but was not affected by the addition of
a lower-frequency sinusoid. Findings 1 and 2 confirm, in monkeys, res
ults reported for humans, and 3 extends to monkeys and to two-dimensio
nal pursuit results based upon human subjects. All of these findings d
emonstrate that complex predictive tracking is controlled by a nonline
ar and nonhomogeneous system that uses predictive strategies in concer
t with feedback control to generate good pursuit.