Currently, no commercially available system exists to continuously mon
itor the effective tissue perfusion within the parenchyma of the brain
. While several methods exist for accurately measuring cerebral perfus
ion; among them: xeonon-133 clearance, hydrogen clearance and radiolab
eled microsphere injection; none of these methods provides continuous
monitoring. The Cook Incorporated VH8500 Volumetric Hyperthermia Treat
ment System (Bloomington, IN, USA) was initially developed to treat br
ain tumours by maintaining constant, moderate hyperthermia within a de
fined tissue volume over an extended duration. The system continuously
adjusts the power applied to heating elements in order to maintain a
constant temperature within the treatment volume. Because tissue perfu
sion is a primary factor responsible for removing heat from tissue, mo
nitoring the amount of power applied to the heating elements allows on
e to continuously estimate tissue perfusion in the vicinity of the hea
ting elements. In the current study, regional blood flow in the vicini
ty of heater/sensor catheters implanted in the brain parenchyma of thr
ee dogs was estimated by the VH8500 tissue perfusion algorithm and dir
ectly measured with radioactive labeled microspheres. The accuracy of
the perfusion estimate (Thermal Perfusion Index) was evaluated by comp
aring these values. A range of blood flow was achieved in each animal
by infusing nitroprusside. It was found that with the perfusion estima
tion algorithm of the Cook Incorporated VH8500 Volumetric Hyperthermia
Treatment System as it is currently implemented, the Thermal Perfusio
n Index tended to underestimate regional perfusion as measured with ra
dioactive microspheres, but the relationship was nearly linear. Thus,
the system currently tracks changes in regional blood flow. Such conti
nuous measurement of parenchymal brain tissue perfusion would have bot
h clinical and research applications for a variety of head trauma reco
very and neurosurgical monitoring situations. Especially if research d
emonstrates that changes in regional brain perfusion predict detriment
al changes in neurologic function before they become irreversible.