Wg. Rossmanith et al., INDUCTION OF GALANIN MESSENGER-RNA IN GNRH NEURONS BY ESTRADIOL AND ITS FACILITATION BY PROGESTERONE, Journal of neuroendocrinology, 8(3), 1996, pp. 185-191
On the day of proestrus in the rat, rising plasma levels of estradiol
(E) act in concert with progesterone (P) to trigger a preovulatory rel
ease of gonadotropins. Cellular levels of galanin mRNA in GnRH neurons
are increased in association with the proestrous surge of gonadotropi
n secretion; however, the relative contribution made by E and P to the
induction of galanin mRNA expression in GnRH neurons is unknown. We i
nvestigated the role of E and P in the induction of galanin gene expre
ssion in GnRH neurons by examining the effects of different combinatio
ns of E (estradiol benzoate; 50 mu g and P (5 mg)) on the LH surge and
the concomitant induction of galanin mRNA in GnRH neurons. We sacrifi
ced ovariectomized adult rats after 1 of 4 treatments: Group 1: vehicl
e control (n=6); Group 2: P alone (n=7) Group 3: E alone (n=7); Group
4: combined E/P (n=6); the animals were killed at 18.00 h at the time
of the LH surge. The brains from these animals were processed by doubl
e-label in situ hybridization to allow measurement of galanin mRNA lev
els in GnRH neurons. GnRH neurons were identified with a digoxigenin-l
abeled cRNA probe for GnRH mRNA, and galanin mRNA was detected and mea
sured simultaneously with an S-35-labeled cRNA probe coupled with comp
uterized grain counting. Estimation of cellular levels of GnRH mRNA wa
s accomplished with single-label in situ hybridization, an S-35-labele
d GnRH cRNA probe and computerized grain counting. We observed a 3-fol
d induction of galanin mRNA in the GnRH neurons of animals treated wit
h E alone compared with those treated with the vehicle alone (vehicle:
13+/-2 vs E: 42+/-4 grains/cell (g/c); P<0.01); LH levels in the E-tr
eated animals were elevated, albeit moderately, with respect to the ve
hicle controls. Compared with vehicle-treated animals, those treated w
ith the combination of E and P showed a 5-fold induction of galanin mR
NA in GnRH neurons (68+/-9 g/c), which was significantly (P<0.01) grea
ter than that observed in the animals treated with E alone; in additio
n, the magnitude of the LH surge was much greater (P<0.05) in the E/P-
treated group compared with the E alone group. In contrast, compared t
o the vehicle controls, animals treated with P alone (15+/-2 g/c) show
ed no discernable effect on galanin mRNA levels; moreover, no LH surge
occurred in the P alone group. Neither the number of identified GnRH
cells nor their content of GnRH mRNA differed significantly among the
experimental groups (GnRH mRNA signal: vehicle controls: 153+/-6 vs E:
159+/-6 vs E/P: 153+/-3 vs P: 148+/-8 g/c). We conclude that while E
is the primary ovarian signal inducing galanin mRNA expression in GnRH
neurons and the LH surge itself, P plays a facilitatory role in both
of these processes.