In this paper we present an overview of the various uses of the wavele
t transform (WT) in medicine and biology. We start by describing the w
avelet properties that are the most important for biomedical applicati
ons. In particular, we provide an interpretation of the continuous wav
elet transform (CWT) as a prewhitening multiscale matched filter. Me a
lso briefly indicate the analogy between the WT and some of the biolog
ical processing that occurs in the early components of the auditory an
d visual system. We then review the rises of the WT for the analysis o
f 1-D physiological signals obtained by phonocardiography, electrocard
iography (ECC), and electroencephalography (EEG), including evoked res
ponse Next, we provide a survey of recent wavelet developments in medi
cal imaging. These include biomedical image processing algorithms (e.g
., noise reduction, image enhancement, and detection of microcalcifica
tions in mammograms), image reconstruction and acquisition schemes (to
mography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)), and multiresolution m
ethods for the registration and statistical analysis of functional ima
ges of the brain (positron emission tomography (PET) and functional MR
I (fMRI)). In each case, we provide the reader with some general backg
round information and a brief explanation of how the methods work.