Background-The aetiology and pathology of rectal prolapse and solitary
rectal ulcer are poorly understood. Aims-To examine the full thicknes
s rectal wall in these two conditions. Methods-The pathological abnorm
alities in the surgically resected rectal wall were studied from nine
patients with solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, 11 complete rectal prola
pse, and nine cancer controls. Routine haematoxylin and eosin and Van
Gieson staining for collagen were performed. Results-The rectal wall f
rom solitary rectal ulcer syndrome specimens was thickened compared wi
th complete rectal prolapse and controls. The major difference was in
the muscularis propria (2.2 v 1.1 v 1.2 mm, medians, p<0.005) and part
icularly the inner circular muscular layer, and to a lesser extent the
submucosal and outer longitudinal muscular layers. Some solitary rect
al ulcer syndrome specimens showed unique features such as decussation
of the two muscular layers (four of nine), nodular induration of inne
r circular layer (four of nine) and grouping of outer longitudinal lay
er into bundles (three of nine); these were not seen in complete recta
l prolapse or control specimens. Conclusions-These features, which res
emble the features of high pressure sphincter tissue, may be of aetiol
ogical importance, and suggest a different pathogenesis for these two
disorders. Excess collagen was seen in both disorders, was more severe
in solitary rectal ulcer syndrome specimens, and probably reflects a
response to repeated trauma.