Background & Aims: When rat hepatocyte regeneration after partial hepa
tectomy is blocked by 2-acetyl-aminofluorene, a proliferation of bilia
ry epithelia sends out ductules into the pavenchyma. The ability of th
ese neoductules to act as a significant progenitor compartment for hep
atocytes is in dispute. This study aims to resolve this question by va
rying the amount of 2-acetylaminofluorene administered. Methods: Rats
were fed 2-acetylaminofluorene for 6 days before and up to 7 days afte
r partial hepatectomy was performed at a dose of either 2.5 (low) or 5
(high) mg kg(-1). day(-1). The response was monitored by the immunohi
stochemical expression of intermediate filaments and cytochrome P450 e
nzymes. Results: No regeneration by mature hepatocytes occurred with e
ither dose, and new ductules expressed the biliary cytokeratins 7, 8,
18, and 19 and, in addition, vimentin. At the high dose, hepatocytic d
ifferentiation was infrequent, whereas apoptosis and intestinal differ
entiation were common. At the low dose, almost all ductules differenti
ated into hepatocytes within 14 days of hepatectomy. Conclusions: Bili
ary epithelium is an effective and substantiative hepatocyte progenito
r compartment under appropriate conditions.