The mechanism of earthquakes is presented by use of the elastic disloc
ation theory. With consideration of the continuous dislocation field,
the general problem of medium deformation requires analysis based on n
on-Riemannian geometry with the concept of the continuum with a discon
tinuity (''no-more continuum''). Here we derive the equilibrium equati
on (Navier equation) for the continuous dislocation field by introduci
ng the relation between the concepts of the continuous dislocation the
ory and non-Riemannian geometry. This equation is a generalization of
the Laplace equation, which can describe fractal processes like diffus
ion limited aggregation (DLA) and dielectric breakdown (DB). Moreover,
the kinematic compatibility equations derived from Navier equation ar
e the Laplace equations and the solution of Navier equation can be put
in terms of functions which satisfy the biharmonic equation, suggesti
ng a close formal connection with fractal processes. Therefore, the re
lationship between the non-Riemannian geometry and the fractal geometr
y of fracturing (damage) in geomaterials as earthquakes can be underst
ood by using the Navier equation. Moreover, the continuous dislocation
theory can be applied to the problem of the earthquake formation with
active folding related with faulting (active flexural-slip folding re
lated to the continuous dislocation field).