The applications of the tools of nonlinear time-series analysis to mea
surements obtained by digital ionosonde ''PARUS,'' created at IZMIRAN,
is considered. Small-scale structure of the electron density Ne at F-
region of ionosphere is examined by exploring observables of reflected
high-frequency radio wave. Time series corresponding to given transmi
tter frequency f and virtual height h and conforming to usual, not per
turbed, day ionogram are examined. Using the standard correlation algo
rithm, we have determined that for an embedding dimension n=15, comput
ed correlation dimension D2(n) reaches its saturation, D2 congruent to
4. Reliability of the estimation of the correlation dimension was con
firmed by applying to our sets of measurements J. Theiler's modificati
on of standard algorithm. The test of time difference, smoothing proce
dure, calculation of the largest Liapounov exponent, and analysis of t
he surrogate data were employed in our study of data sets. Although ou
r sets of measurements contain a significant ''random noise'', nonline
ar time-series analysis clear up, that the dynamics of unperturbed ion
osphere, generating this time series, exhibits low-dimensional behavio