Reciprocal translocations (rep) are among the most common constitution
al chromosomal aberrations in man, Using a European database of 1574 f
amilies carrying autosomal rep, a cartographic study was done on the b
reakpoints involved. The breakpoints are non-randomly distributed alon
g the different chromosomes, indicating ''hot spots''. Breakpoints of
rep that result in descendants that are unbalanced chromosomally at bi
rth are more frequent in a distal position on chromosomal arms, and 65
% of them are localised in R-bands. Among the R-bands, bands rich in G
C islands and poor in Alu repetitive sequences are more frequently the
site of breakpoints, as well as bands that include a fragile site. Th
is result suggests that the variation in degree of methylation in GC i
slands could be involved in chromosomal breakage and hence in chromoso
mal rearrangements.