The vegetation of a forest-steppe region in Hustain Nuruu, Mongolia, w
as studied by a phytocoenological approach. Eleven plant communities w
ere recognized, comprising four steppe communities, two meadow communi
ties, a tussock grassland, two shrub communities, a scrub community an
d a woodland community. The botanical and ecological characteristics o
f the different communities are discussed, with reference to the exist
ing classification of Mongolian plant communities. Analysis of the pre
sent data indicates that a refinement or extension of the classificati
on system is desirable, especially concerning the steppe(-related) com
munities. Discussion of the relative distribution of steppe and forest
reveals that in the relatively dry location of Hustain Nuruu grasslan
d and shrubland dominate the natural vegetation (88% of the area). For
est covers ca. 5% of the area, it is limited to sites where ground wat
er is within rooting depth: north slopes above 1400 m (Betula platyphy
lla woodland) and along erosion gullies (fragmentary Ulmus pumila gall
ery woodland). Under natural conditions forest cover might reach 12%,
but it is speculated that wild ungulates could maintain its extension
at a lower level. The importance of forest is greater in forest-steppe
regions with higher rainfall, but the factors determining the distrib
ution of grassland and forest are expected to be similar.