Objective: To describe two patients with mesencephalic midline clefts
and associated eye movement disorders. Design: Case reports. Results:
The first patient developed bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia wit
h exotropia, reduced convergence, right ptosis, right fourth-nerve pal
sy, and right elevator palsy several years after meningitis with hydro
cephalus. The second patient had bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegi
a with exotropia, reduced convergence, bilateral ptosis, limited upwar
d gaze, and right hypertropia since childhood. In both patients, magne
tic resonance imaging showed a midline cleft extending from the cerebr
al aqueduct into the midbrain. Conclusion: It is likely that the cleft
s affected the oculomotor nuclei and medial longitudinal fasciculi, ac
counting for the eye movement disorders.