1300 mum mapping of the region around the energy source of HH24 in the
dark cloud L1652 has revealed a neighbouring strong, previously unkno
wn source of dust emission. Photometry at 450, 800, 1100 and 1300 mum
yields a very low dust temperature of around 10 K. Estimates for the m
ass of the object lead to values of 36 and 52 M. for radii of 4.1 . 10
(16) and 8.2 . 10(16) cm which is at least a factor of 50 above the Je
ans mass. The 1300 mum contours show an elongation along N-S and a str
ong central increase in density. These observational facts lead us to
suggest that we have detected a cold and gravitationally unstable clou
d fragment which might be a protostar.