Using a yeast one-hybrid screen with a DNA-bound Ets-1 protein, we hav
e identified MafB, an AP-1 like protein, as a direct interaction partn
er. MafB is specifically expressed in myelomonocytic cells and binds t
o the DNA-binding domain of Ets-1 via its basic region or leucine-zipp
er domain. Furthermore, it represses Ets-1 transactivation of syntheti
c promoters containing Ets binding sites and inhibits Ets-1-mediated t
ransactivation of the transferrin receptor, which is known to be essen
tial for erythroid differentiation, Accordingly, overexpression of Maf
B in an erythroblast cell line down-regulates the endogenous transferr
in receptor gene and inhibits differentiation without affecting cell p
roliferation. These results highlight the importance of inhibitory int
eractions between transcription factors in regulating lineage-specific
gene expression.