The clinical success of pancreas transplantation is limited by the dif
ficulty in diagnosing rejection, In simultaneous pancreas kidney (SPK)
transplantation, the diagnosis of pancreatic rejection is particularl
y difficult in the absence of clinical evidence of kidney rejection, M
oreover, patients receiving only pancreas grafts will not have a conco
mitantly grafted kidney to serve as a ''sentinel'' for rejection, Perc
utaneous pancreas graft biopsy has been reported in a few small series
but has not been adopted for broad clinical use, We describe the eval
uation of 69 consecutive episodes of suspected isolated pancreas allog
raft rejection by percutaneous pancreas allograft biopsy, These reject
ion episodes occurred in 41 patients with bladder-drained pancreas tra
nsplants (25 SPK, 14 pancreas after kidney transplants [PAK], and two
pancreas transplant alone [PTA]). The indications for percutaneous pan
creas biopsy were a twofold or greater increase in serum amylase or li
pase, or a sustained 40% to 50% drop in urine amylase in the setting o
f no evidence of renal allograft dysfunction in SPK transplants, Biops
ies were performed with color-flow Doppler ultrasound localization usi
ng an 18-gauge automated biopsy needle, Pancreatic tissue adequate for
histologic evaluation was obtained in 61 of 69 cases (88%), There wer
e two cases of intraabdominal bleeding, one of which required surgical
intervention; the other resolved spontaneously, Histologic assessment
of the biopsies demonstrated varying degrees of acute cellular reject
ion in 48 of 61 specimens (79%), Twelve specimens (20%) were free of h
istologic evidence of rejection, and one specimen (2%) showed acute pa
ncreatitis, At the time of suspected rejection mean serum amylase and
lipase values were increased 3.6 and 8.3-fold, respectively, and urine
amylase was decreased by a mean of 45%. We conclude that the commonly
used markers for pancreas allograft rejection are only about 80% spec
ific for acute rejection, Percutaneous pancreas allograft biopsy is sa
fe and allows the avoidance of unnecessary antirejection therapy with
its attendant side effects and costs.