A new complementary digital logic based on resistively coupled single-
electron transistors (R-SET) was proposed and its basic characteristic
s were numerically analyzed using the Monte Carlo method. The proposed
logic has a logic threshold independent of background polarization ch
arges which induce crucial problems in logic operation in the case of
a capacitively coupled logic. In addition, the proposed complementary
R-SET logic has larger output voltage swing and better logic level sta
bility than those of a conventional resistance-load R-SET logic. The s
tability of the logic level of the complementary R-SET logic was inves
tigated by calculating the data retention time of Bip-flop circuits, a
nd its dependence on temperature and shot noise was examined. For stab
le operation of the flip-flop circuit, estimated optimal operation tem
perature and switching delay time are e(2)/80C(t)k(B) and 1500 R(t)C(t
), respectively, where C-t and R(t) are capacitance and resistance of
the tunnel junction.