A long-term modelling (1991-1994) of oxidised sulphur, bound nitrogen
and some heavy metals has been carried out by MSC-E/EMEP for the North
ern Hemisphere. The transport unit of the model is an Eulerian scheme
which could be classified as Pseudo-Lagrangian one. Vertical distribut
ion described by means of Gaussian approximation and the exchange with
the free troposphere are taken into account Vertical movement is calc
ulated proceeding from local mixing conditions, state of the surface,
its height (topography) etc. The chemical unit for acid compounds cont
ains 25 reactions and 14 compounds including sulphur and nitrogen comp
ounds peroxyacetylnitrate, tropospheric ozone, volatile hydrocarbons (
but methane) are considered as a whole via ozone creation potential. T
he model time step is I hour, meteorological data (winds, temperature,
precipitation etc.) cover 6-hour intervals. The model results show th
at very significant part of the Arctic and West Asian acid pollution i
s produced by European countries. On the whole the Arctic pollution by
SOx NOx and NHx comes from sources of Old World The main source of su
lphur pollution is located in Russia and of nitrogen compound - in Cen
tral and Northern Europe. About 50% SOx 70% NOx and 40% NHx deposition
in Central Asia and Kazakhstan is-imported from external sources. A s
imilar situation is observed in European and Asian parts of Russia.