We studied whether dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (DbcAMP),
which freely penetrates into the cells, improves systemic vasoconstric
tion caused by endotoxin in dogs. Thirteen anesthetized dogs were rand
omized into three groups. The endotoxin (ETX) group (n = 5) received o
nly Escherichia coli endotoxin (3 mg . kg(-1), intravenously). The ETX
+ DbcAMP group (n = 5) received DbcAMP (6 mg . kg(-1), intravenously)
30 min before the administration of endotoxin. The DbcAMP group recei
ved the same dose of DbcAMP 30 min after administration of saline. In
the ETX group, systemic blood pressure and cardiac index significantly
decreased, and systemic Vascular resistance significantly increased,
while in the me + DbcAMP group, increases in systemic and pulmonary va
scular resistances after the administration of endotoxin were attenuat
ed. DbcAMP did not cause hemodynamic changes in normal dogs. Plasma co
ncentrations in thromboxane B-2 in the ETX group were higher than in t
he ETX + DbcAMP group. Also, the change in plasma cyclic AMP concentra
tions showed a good logarithmic correlation with the change in plasma
thromboxane B-2 concentrations after the administration of endotoxin (
r =.908, Log (Delta TxB(2)) = -.002(Delta cAMP) + 3.786). We conclude
that DbcAMP improves systemic vasoconstriction caused by endotoxin in
dogs. The beneficial mechanism of DbcAMP on systemic vasoconstriction
after the administration of endotoxin may be partially due to inhibit
ion of thromboxane B-2.