Treatment of patients with acute liver failure has considerably improv
ed in recent years. Effective-treatment ofthese devastating situations
requires early assessment of prognosis and early referal of these pat
ients to specialized centers. The conservative management of extrahepa
tic complications in intensive care units appears to contribute to a b
etter survival of patients whether or, not they are subsequently submi
tted to a transplantation procedure. Specific hepatocyte-targeted trea
tment by prostaglandin E(2) or similar drugs can be an option in the f
uture. Dramatic progress has been made in the temporary substitution o
f liver function bridging the time period between liver failure and re
sumption of hepatocellular function due to liver regeneration. Present
ly artificial liver assist devices as well as the extracorporeal perfu
sion of human or pig livers are evaluated in clinical trials. Initial
results indicate that these measures allow to bridge the time until an
appropriate donor liver is available, Permanent liver transplantation
has been shown to save the lifes of many patients suffering from acut
e liver failure. Selection of patients requiring urgent liver transpla
ntation has been facilitated by the use of prognostic scores specifica
lly adapted to the etiology of underlying liver disease. A temporary a
uxiliary liver transplantation can be a better treatment option preven
ting the patient from a life-long dependence upon medical surveillance
and drug-induced immunosuppression.