Sequential data collected for usability testing, knowledge engineering
, or cognitive task analysis are rich with information-so rich that in
terpretation can often be overwhelming. This dilemma can be viewed as
a data reduction problem. PRONET (PROcedural NETworks), a method for r
educing sequential data in terms of procedural networks, is introduced
and then applied and evaluated in two case studies-one involving huma
n-computer interaction (HCI) in a simulated mission control operation
at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the other inv
olving avionics troubleshooting behavior for an intelligent tutor appl
ication. The method involves five steps-collecting data, encoding data
, generating transition matrices, conducting Pathfinder analysis, and
interpreting procedural networks. The method employs the Pathfinder ne
twork scaling algorithm, which is particularly suited for asymmetric d
ata. Evidence is presented to support the descriptive and predictive u
tility of this form of data reduction. In addition, lessons learned in
applying PRONET to the two cases are discussed, applications of PRONE
T to HCI are described, and guidelines are offered for using PRONET in
exploratory sequential data analysis.