Within the context of a coordinated program to study aneuploidy induct
ion sponsored by the European Community, nine chemicals were tested in
mouse bone marrow and spermatocytes after intraperitoneal injection.
In somatic cells, cell progression delay, hyperploidy, polyploidy indu
ction and induction ot micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte (MnPCE
) were studied. In germ cells hyperploidy induction was evaluated. The
chemicals selected were: colchicine (COL), econazole (EZ), hydroquino
ne (HQ), thiabendazole (TB), diazepam (DZ), chloral hydrate (CH), cadm
ium chloride (CD). pyrimethamine (PY) and thimerosal (TM). Using liter
ature data on c-mitotic effects in bone marrow as a reference, the sam
e doses were tested in somatic and germ cells in order to compare the
effects induced. Bone marrow cells were sampled 18 or 24 h after treat
ment. Germ cells were sampled 6, 8 or 18 h after treatment. Effects of
COL and HQ in bone marrow have been reported elsewhere. Somatic effec
ts were induced by CH (hyperploidy and cell cycle lengthening), TB (Mn
PCEs and cell cycle lengthening) and by PY (MnPCEs). EZ, DZ, CD and TM
did not induce any kind of somatic effects. An increase in the incide
nce of hyperploid spermatocytes was induced by COL, at three dose leve
ls, and by one dose of HQ and TB. All the other chemicals did not indu
ce germinal aneuploidy at any dose or time tested. The hyperploidy con
trol frequency ranged between 0.4 and 1.0% in somatic cells and from 0
.3 to 0.9% in germ cells. In both somatic and germ cells, the maximum
yield of induced hyperploidy did not exceed 3.5%. The time period of t
arget cell sensitivity is probably restricted and this, associated wit
h the heterogeneity and the asynchrony of cellular maturation processe
s, may account for our data. Under these circumstances, the negative d
ata should be interpreted with some caution, particularly in germ cell
s, where additional indicators of chemical-cell interaction and cell c
ycle effects were not provided by standardized approaches. The possibi
lity of increasing the size of analyzed cell samples could be consider
ed in the light of automatic scoring procedures.