Background: Adjunctive measures to enhance nerve repair have focused o
n a variety of trophic factors that alter the physiologic response to
nerve injury through Schwann cell-axonal interactions. Objective: To e
valuate the effects of two trophic factors, ciliary neurotrophic facto
r and nerve growth factor, on axonal response to injury. Design: A pro
spective, randomized, blinded animal study with a placebo control usin
g lactated Ringer's solution. Interventions: Rat sciatic nerves were t
ransected and repaired as a model of injury following which experiment
al factors were delivered in vivo through an implantable osmotic pump.
Outcome Measures: Functional nerve recovery, muscle mass, and gene ex
pression in the three experimental groups were evaluated. Results: The
ciliary neurotrophic factor group (n=6) showed a higher sciatic funct
ional recovery (P=.003) and preservation of affected muscle mass (P=.0
3) compared with the nerve growth factor (n=8) and control (n=8) group
s. Molecular analysis of injured nerves showed no difference in expres
sion of ciliary neurotrophic factor, myelin basic protein, or low-affi
nity neurotrophin receptor messenger RNA among the three groups. Concl
usion: These data suggest that ciliary neurotrophic factor may serve a
s an important neurocytokine for axonal regrowth during peripheral ner
ve regeneration.