HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES HAVE DEMONSTRATED a relationship between the amou
nt of subgingival plaque and the magnitude and extension of gingival t
issue reactions. The objective of the present study was to evaluate in
flammatory reactions in the gingival tissues facing plaque accumulatio
n at diamond and curet-instrumented root surfaces, Experimental, deep
periodontal defects were established at buccal surfaces of mandibular
and maxillary canine teeth in 5 beagle dogs, The root surfaces were in
strumented by a flame-shaped, fine-grained, rotating diamond point, or
by a sharp curet, Next, the dogs were fed a plaque-inducing diet for
70 days, The animals were then sacrificed, and tissue blocks of the ex
perimental sites including teeth, alveolar bone, and gingival tissues
were secured. The gingival soft tissue was processed for histomorphome
tric analyses at 3 levels. Epithelium and connective tissue area measu
rements showed no differences between the two instrumentations. Juncti
onal epithelium (JE) cell. point counts exhibited a higher proportion
of inflammatory cells (IC) in specimens facing diamond compared to cur
et-instrumented defects. A higher proportion of IC was present within
the coronal compared to the apical aspect of the JE for both instrumen
tations (P < 0.05). A significant difference in IC density between ins
trumentations was detected for non-infiltrated (P < 0.05), as well as
for infiltrated (P < 0.01) connective tissue. The infiltrated connecti
ve tissue (ICT) inflammatory cell density was significantly (P < 0.01)
and positively correlated to the JE inflammatory cell density (r = 0.
75), and to area measurements of ICT (r = 0.55). The overall results d
emonstrate that the character of subgingival root instrumentations sig
nificantly affects gingival inflammatory reactions, most likely by inf
luencing subgingival plaque formation.