Non-equilibrium current noise of a short quasi-one-dimensional constri
ction between two superconductors is considered. We derive a general e
xpression for the frequency-dependent current-current correlation func
tion valid for arbitrary temperatures, transparencies, and bias voltag
es. This formalism is then applied to a single current-carrying quantu
m mode with perfect transparency, and at zero frequency and temperatur
e. Contrary to a transparent channel separating two normal conductors,
a weak link between two superconductors exhibits a finite level of no
ise. The source of noise is the fractional Andreev scattering of quasi
-particles with energies \E\ greater than the half-width Delta of the
superconducting gap. For high bias voltages, V >> Delta/e, the zero-fr
equency limit of the noise spectrum, S(0), as well as the excess curre
nt I-exc, are twice as large than for a normal-superconductor junction
, S(0) = (2/5)\e\I-exc.