In queenright colonies of the slave-making ant, Chalepoxenus muelleria
nus, workers formed dominance hierarchies through ritualized food begg
ing and antennation bouts, but did not lay eggs. Within a few hours of
the experimental removal of the queen, the frequency of dominance dis
plays increased drastically and the interactions became considerably m
ore violent. During the observation period, the dominant workers almos
t incessantly attacked subordinate slave-makers and slaves by antennat
ion and biting. The aggression rate decreased after approximately 3-4
wk. Within a single colony, several high-ranking workers were observed
laying eggs, although typically only one or a few top-ranking individ
uals became fully fertile. Directly after eclosion, young workers enga
ged in aggressive interactions with other young workers and high-ranki
ng old workers, but did not dominate the top-ranking egg-layers. Gallo
ws achieved ranks immediately below the top-ranking worker.