Malignant gliomas are the most common intracranial primary tumours. De
spite aggressive treatment strategies as surgery, radiation and chemot
herapy, the vast majority of patients die about one year after diagnos
is. In this article we discuss histopathological and moleculargenetic
structures of glioma. We evaluate specific topographical areas of the
brain with respect to tumour surgery and radical tumour exstirpation.
Gross total resection versus debulking are compared regarding the medi
an survival time. The importance of radiotherapy and chemotherapy subs
equent to surgery will be pointed out. We conclude that to date the tr
eatment of choice in malignant gliomas of the brain is multimodal and
includes surgery (the extent of surgery is limited by functionally imp
ortant areas), radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, since the media
n survival time averages still about one year, in the future new treat
ment strategies, for example gene therapy, have to be approached.