Breast cancer is a disease of modern life. As societies industrialize,
risk increases, yet it is unclear which of the myriad changes coming
with industrialization drives this increase. One important hallmark of
modem life is the pervasive use of electric power. Electric power pro
duces light at night (LAN) and electric and magnetic fields (EMF), eit
her or both of which may alter pineal function and its primary hormone
melatonin, thereby, perhaps increasing the risk of breast cancer. Thi
s hypothesis, stated a decade ago, is now receiving considerable exper
imental and epidemiological attention. The circumstantial case for the
hypothesis has three aspects: light effects on melatonin, EMF effects
on melatonin, and melatonin effects on breast cancer. The strongest o
f these aspects is the effects of light on melatonin. It is clear that
the normal nocturnal melatonin rise in humans can be suppressed by li
ght of sufficient intensity. The evidence for an effect of melatonin o
n breast cancer in experimental animals is strong, but the evidence in
humans is scant and difficult to gather. The weakest aspect of the ci
rcumstantial case is EMF effects on melatonin. Whereas a half dozen in
dependent laboratories have published findings of suppression in anima
ls, there are inconsistencies, and there are no published data on huma
ns. The direct evidence bearing on the hypothesis is sparse but provoc
ative. Two laboratories have published data showing substantial increa
ses in chemically induced breast cancer in rats by a weak AC (alternat
ing current) magnetic field. The epidemiological evidence is very limi
ted but has offered some support as well. An effect of electric power
on breast cancer would have profound implications, and this possibilit
y deserves continued investigation.