The measurement and ecological assessment of soil quality or conversel
y soil degradation, is important in Russia. Thus, based on the analysi
s of current standards and scientific studies, we developed a set of r
epresentative soil quality (soil degradation) indicators to assess the
physical, chemical, and biological degradation of soil for various an
thropogenic uses of the land. We have provided a matrix of indicators
for each of the three processes of degradation. The indicators are gro
uped into five stages of degradation: high quality (non-degraded), wea
kly degraded, moderately degraded, highly degraded, and very highly de
graded. We have proposed a rate index as a final estimate of soil degr
adation. We provide examples of how to calculate the soil quality inde
x (soil degradation) and how to interpret the index. Finally we sugges
t methods for displaying soil quality using soil survey maps and remot
e sensing procedures.