This paper presents a writing assignment designed to educate students
about an ethnic or racial group different from their own. The assignme
nt sensitizes them to the historical and geographical experiences, per
ceptions, values, and viewpoints of an American subculture other than
their own. The assignment was designed for a lower division university
course in regional geography and should, therefore, prove appropriate
for community college and, possibly, high school students as well. Th
ough targeted to a regional course in California, the exercise can eas
ily be adapted to a course in any region of North America or to a regi
onal or cultural geography of the United States or Canada. This articl
e first sketches the context in which this exercise developed and the
curricular needs it meets. It then describes the exercise itself and b
riefly presents results obtained from the assignment. In the last sect
ion, the article provides source material students can consult to comp
lete the assignment.