A 28-year-old drug addict who had injected intravenously died of hepat
ic failure and coma caused by fulminant hepatitis (simultaneously: hep
atitis A, persistent hepatitis B, hepatitis C and superinfection by de
lta hepatitis). Liver histology disclosed cirrhosis with severe necrot
izing hepatitis and extensive microvesicular steatosis, compatible wit
h a delta virus infection. Moderate pulmonary fat embolism (grade I-II
according to Falzi) was accompanied by fat deposits in alveolar macro
phages. It is postulated that protracted fat mobilization from necroti
zing hepatocytes may be the cause of pulmonary fat embolism; the extra
vasation of fat from the vessels into the alveoli results in phagocyto
sis by alveolar macrophages.