Significant strains of anti-Americanism and antifeminism - diverse in
form and content - exist in French history and culture. This article e
xamines recent examples of how the two have been brought together in a
powerful marriage. The first is that of the group ''Psychanalyse et p
olitique'' which vilified American feminism as a tool in forging its o
wn identity as The French women's liberation movement. The second is t
he use, by left-wing intellectuals, of the so-called American politica
l correctness debate. PC, which resonates as Parti Communiste, is thei
r new equivalent of Stalinism. Specifically, American feminism is ridi
culed and portrayed as a threat to French universalism. The violent re
action against American feminism serves as a warning to French women n
ot to question the commonly held belief of a Gallic consensual relatio
n of seduction between the sexes.