Thioether S-methyltransferase is an important enzyme in the metabolism
of sulfur and selenium-containing compounds in animals. Ethyl vinyl s
ulfide was previously shown to be a substrate for this enzyme yielding
methyl ethyl vinyl sulfonium ion (MEVS(+)) upon reaction with S-adeno
sylmethionine. Since vinyl sulfonium ions are reactive toward nucleoph
iles, the inactivation of thioether S-methyltransferase as a result of
its methylation of ethyl vinyl sulfide was investigated, Ethyl vinyl
sulfide was found to inactivate thioether S-methyltransferase in a tim
e-dependent, pseudo-first-order process with k(inact) and K-I values o
f 0.05 min(-1) and 0.275 mM, respectively, Calculation of the partitio
n ratio revealed one inactivation event for every 100 turnovers, Dimet
hyl sulfide, an alternate substrate for thioether S-methyltransferase
which yields the nonreactive product trimethyl sulfonium ion, protecte
d the enzyme from inactivation by ethyl vinyl sulfide. The inactivatio
n is a result of covalent reaction of methyl ethyl vinyl sulfonium ion
with the enzyme as shown by comigration of radioactivity with the enz
yme during denaturing gel filtration of reaction mixtures containing t
hioether S-methyltransferase, ethyl vinyl sulfide, and S-adenosyl[meth
yl-H-3]methionine, Using this method the stoichiometry of inactivation
was determined to be 1 mel of [H-3]-methyl group/mol of thioether S-m
ethyltransferase inactivated, Both the alternate substrate, dimethyl s
ulfide, and the competitive product inhibitor, S-adenosylhomocysteine,
inhibited such covalent labeling of the enzyme by ethyl vinyl sulfide
and S-adenosyl[methyl-H-3]methionine, Chemically synthesized MEVS(+)
inactivated thioether S-methyltransferase, and [methyl-C-14]MEVS(+) co
valently labeled the enzyme with C-14. These results reveal a previous
ly unrecognized mechanism for biochemical activation of vinyl thioethe
rs by methylation to form reactive vinyl sulfonium ions.