Angular distribution of the L(l) x-ray line (3s (1/2)--> 2P (3/2)) in
Au and Bi induced by 3-9 MeV carbon ions has been measured. Values of
the alignment parameter (A(2)) of the L(3)(2p(3/2)) subshell have been
obtained from the data as a function of the carbon ion energy. The da
ta have been compared with the calculations of the standard perturbed-
stationary-state (PSS) theory with energy-loss (E), Coulomb deflection
(C), and relativistic (R) corrections (ECPSSR) and ECPSSR with the in
trashell (IS) effect included as a multiplicative factor. From this co
mparison it is evident that an account for the IS coupling substantial
ly improves agreement between theory and measurement. The effect of si
multaneous multiple ionization of the M and higher shells on the measu
red A(2) values is discussed.