We report a case of multiple hepatic abscesses due to Yersinia enteroc
olitica in a 58 yr old male. This case is typical of the other 39 case
s reported in the literature in that the patient had alcoholism, malnu
trition, iron overload and a subsequently diagnosed malignancy. Ultras
ound showed multiple hypoechoic areas in the liver which were confirme
d by CT scan. The patient also had a rectal lesion initially thought t
o be malignant, leading to a presumptive diagnosis of metastatic disea
se, A CT-guided line needle aspiration biopsy of a liver lesion unexpe
ctedly revealed pus which subsequently grew Yersinia enterocolitica. T
he organism was also isolated from the patient's blood and feces. This
case illustrates the need for histological and microbiological invest
igation of radiologically diagnosed presumptive malignancy.