G. Bosco et Re. Poppele, TEMPORAL FEATURES OF DIRECTIONAL TUNING BY SPINOCEREBELLAR NEURONS - RELATION TO LIMB GEOMETRY, Journal of neurophysiology, 75(4), 1996, pp. 1647-1658
1. We showed previously that neurons in the dorsal spinocerebellar tra
ct (DSCT) may encode whole-limb parameters of movement and posture rat
her than localized proprioceptive information. Neurons were found to r
espond to hindlimb movements in the sagittal plane with maximum activi
ty for foot placements in one direction and minimum activity for place
ments in the opposite direction. In contrast, movement direction is no
t specifically encoded by response activity when movements are restric
ted to a single joint. 2. We now describe the spatiotemporal character
istics of DSCT directional sensitivity for the responses of 267 neuron
s to small amplitude (0.5 cm) perturbations of the cat hindlimb. A sma
ll platform attached to the left hind foot was perturbed along four or
eight directions in the sagittal plane, eliciting significant respons
es in 261 (98%) of the cells. The responses typically consisted of a s
equence of peaks and troughs in poststimulus spike density lasting 150
ms or more following limb perturbation. 3. Peaks of activity in parti
cular poststimulus intervals were broadly tuned for the direction of t
he perturbation, as determined by fitting the firing rates recorded in
response to each perturbation direction to a cosine model. The parame
ters of the cosine model, namely the amplitude of modulation, the dire
ction of maximum response, and the goodness of fit to the model, were
computed for each 4 ms poststimulus interval. The parameters all showe
d the same tendency to wax and wane with respect to poststimulus time.
For each period during which the cell activity was highly correlated
with the tuning model, the tuning indicated a different best direction
. Thus each cell's directional tuning could be characterized by a set
of tuning maxima associated with specific poststimulus times, when the
amplitude of the tuning reached a local maximum and the fit to the co
sine model was highly significant (R(2) > 0.85). 4. Directions of the
tuning maxima for the total population of cells were not uniformly dis
tributed within particular poststimulus intervals. There was a statist
ically significant directional bias for upward directed perturbations
in the poststimulus interval between 20 and 40 ms, followed by a perio
d of downward bias from 45 to 55 ms. Between 60 and 85 ms, the distrib
ution of tuning maxima was significantly skewed backward, whereas a ve
ry strong bias for the forward direction was present at about 100 ms.
5. Because the tuning was determined from responses to very small pert
urbations of the limb in a given posture, it was not clear whether the
responses were related to specific joint angles or muscle lengths, or
whether they somehow represented the kinematics of the whole Limb. To
address this point, we examined the responses of 95 cells in two anim
als that were each tested in two different limb positions. One positio
n was an approximation of the normal standing position. The other posi
tion consisted of a shortening of the limb axis (with major changes in
all joint angles) in one animal, or a rotation of the limb axis backw
ard (with little change in joint angles) in the other. 6. We compared
each cell's responses to the same perturbations applied in the two lim
b positions and found they could be identical, scaled in time or magni
tude, or completely different in the two positions. A greater percenta
ge of cells with different responses was found in the experiment with
the limb axis rotated. In the other experiment, in which there were ma
jor differences in joint angles in the two positions, the responses we
re mostly the same or scaled in time in the two positions. We also det
ermined the population directional biases for the two positions in eac
h experi ment, and found that phase differences between the vectors re
presenting population biases for the two positions were minimized when
they were measured relative to the orientation of the limb axis (limb
coordinates) rather than to the extrinsic vertical (lab coordinates).
7. On the basis of this result, which was consistent with the data fr
om seven other animals, we propose that DSCT activity may represent mo
vement kinematics in a limb-centered reference frame. The directional
sensitivity of the cells is defined by the orientation of the limb axi
s, which is the axis connecting the hip joint with the point of ground
contact. The finding that preferred directions tend to cluster about
directions that approximate limb movements along the limb axis (change
s in limb length) or normal to it (changes in limb orientation) furthe
r suggests a two-dimensional coordinate system defined by limb length
and orientation. Because the temporal components of the directional re
sponses seem to occur independently, we also suggest that elements of
the presynaptic circuitry may provide the basis for this two-dimension
al representation and also be responsible for creating and shaping its
temporal domain.