Taking a cognitive perspective, and concentrating on instances of exop
hora (or so-called 'antecedentless' anaphora), where by definition the
re is no co-occurring expression in terms of which a given anaphor mig
ht be interpreted (i.e. a potential 'antecedent'), I aim to show, firs
tly, that so-called exophora falls within the category of anaphora pro
per and not deixis; secondly, that it is in terms of a conceptual repr
esentation of the situation being evoked, and not in terms of the phys
ical situation itself, that the anaphor is interpreted; and finally, t
hat exophora is in reality a more central manifestation of anaphora th
an the 'endophoric' type, where the 'antecedent' expression co-occurs
with the anaphor. I will base the discussion on naturally occurring da
ta from French and English, and will consider the contributions of gen
der- and number-marking within pronominal anaphors, as well as of such
features of the anaphoric segment as the argument and referent-order
statuses assigned to an anaphor by the governing predicator and its mo
difiers, and the stress and pitch characteristics of the anaphor. All
these features play an important role in the assignment of a full inte
rpretation to so-called 'endophoric' anaphors just as much as 'exophor
ic' ones, thereby weakening the theoretical basis for the distinction
between the two types.