We have identified a clear preference of histone H1 for CpG-methylated
DNA, irrespective of DNA sequence. The conditions under which this pr
eference is observed allow cooperative binding of H1; the H1-DNA compl
exes formed were shown earlier to be 'tramlines' of two DNA duplexes b
ridged by an array of H1 molecules, and multiples of these. The prefer
ence for methylated DNA is clear in sedimentation assays, which also s
how that the preference is greater with increased methylation level, a
nd in gel retardation assays with am oligonucleotide containing a sing
le methyl-CpG pair; it is shared by the globular domain which also bin
ds cooperatively to DNA. A small intrinsic preference of H1 for methyl
ated DNA is also apparent in Southwestern assays where the immobilized
H1 presumably cannot bind cooperatively. Methylated DNA in H1-DNA com
plexes was partially protected (relative to unmethylated DNA) against
digestion by MspI but not by enzymes whose cutting sites were not meth
ylated, consistent with a direct interaction of H1 with methylated nuc
leotides; this was also true of GH1-DNA complexes. H1 variants (spH1 a
nd H5) from transcriptionally repressed nuclei have a stronger prefere
nce than H1 for methylated DNA, suggesting that this may be relevant t
o the stabilization of chromatin higher order structure and transcript
ional repression.