Some important trends in geometric modeling are the reliance on solid
models rather than surface-based models and the enhancement of the exp
ressive power of models, by using free-form objects in addition to the
usual geometric primitives and by incorporating physical principles.
An additional trend is the emphasis on interactive performance. In thi
s paper we integrate all of these requirements in a single geometric p
rimitive by endowing the tri-variate tensor product free-form solid wi
th several important physical properties, including volume and interna
l deformation energy. Volume preservation is of benefit in several app
lication areas of geometric modeling, including computer animation, in
dustrial design and mechanical engineering. However, previous physics-
based methods, which usually have used some forms of ''energy,'' have
neglected the issue of volume (or area) preservation. We present a nov
el method for modeling an object composed of several tenser-product so
lids while preserving the desired volume of each primitive and ensurin
g high-order continuity constraints between the primitives. The method
utilizes the Uzawa algorithm for non-linear optimization, with object
ive functions based on deformation energy or least squares. We show ho
w the algorithm can be used in an interactive environment by relaxing
exactness requirements while the user interactively manipulates free-f
orm solid primitives. On current workstations, the algorithm runs in r
eal-time for tri-quadratic volumes and close to real-time for tn-cubic