We study the behavior of two planes of a quantum Heisenberg antiferrom
agnet in the regime in which a chiral spin liquid is stabilized in eac
h plane. The planes are coupled by an exchange interaction of strength
J(3). We show that in the regime of small J(3) (for both ferromagneti
c and antiferromagnetic coupling), the system dynamically selects an a
ntiferromagnetic ordering of the ground state chiralities of the plane
s. For the case of an antiferromagnetic interaction between the planes
, we find that, at some critical value J(3)(c) of the interlayer coupl
ing, there is a phase transition to a valence-bond state on the interl
ayer links. We derive an effective Landau-Ginzburg theory for this pha
se transition. It contains two U(1) gauge fields coupled to the order
parameter field. We study the low-energy spectrum of each phase. Tn th
e condensed phase an ''anti-Higgs-Anderson'' mechanism occurs. It effe
ctively restores time-reversal invariance by rendering massless one of
the gauge fields while the other held locks the chiral degrees of fre
edom locally. There is no phase transition for ferromagnetic couplings