Starting with the three-band extended Hubbard model (or d-p model) wid
ely used to represent the CuO2 planes in the high-T-c cuprates, we mak
e a systematic reduction to an effective single-band model using a pre
viously developed cell-perturbation method. The range of parameters fo
r which this mapping is a good approximation is explored in the full Z
aanen-Sawatzky-Allen diagram (copper Coulomb repulsion U-d versus char
ge-transfer energy epsilon), together with an investigation of the val
idity of a further mapping to an effective charge-spin (t-J-V) model.
The variation of the effective single-band parameters with the paramet
ers of the underlying multi-hand model is investigated in detail, and
the parameter regime where the model represents the high-T-c cuprates
is examined for specific features that might distinguish it from the g
eneral case. In particular, we consider the effect of Coulomb repulsio
ns on oxygen (U-p) and between copper and oxygen (V-pd) We find that t
he reduction to an effective single-band model is generally valid for
describing the low-energy physics, and that V-pd and U-p (unless unrea
listically large) actually slightly improve the convergence of the cel
l-and perturbation method. Unlike in the usual single-band Hubbard mod
el, the effective intercell hopping and Coulomb interactions are diffe
rent for electrons and holes. We find that this asymmetry, which vanis
hes in the extreme Mott-Hubbard regime (U-d much less than epsilon), i
s quite appreciable in the charge-transfer regime (U-d epsilon), parti
cularly for the effective Coulomb interactions, We show that for doped
holes (forming Zhang-Rice singlets) on neighboring cells the interact
ion induced by V-pd can even be attractive due to locally enhanced pd
hybridization, while this cannot occur for electrons. The Coulomb inte
raction induced by U-p is always repulsive; in addition U-p gives rise
to a ferromagnetic spin-spin interaction which opposes antiferromagne
tic superexchange. We show that for hole-doped systems this leads to a
subtle cancellation of attractive and repulsive contributions, due to
antiferromagnetic and charge-polarization effects, to the net static
interaction in a charge-spin (t-J-V) model, and We discuss the signifi
cance of this result. The asymmetry in the ee, hh, and eh effective ho
pping parameters can be particularly large for next-nearest neighbors.
Specializing to cuprate parameters, we find that the asymmetry in the
nearest-neighbor hopping parameters almost vanishes (accidentally), w
hile the next-nearest-neighbor hopping parameter t' is close to zero f
or electrons but is appreciable for holes (t' approximate to -0.06 eV)
. The effective Coulomb interaction between doped holes is found to be
repulsive, and even slightly larger than for electrons. All the under
lying d-p parameters make significant contributions to the effective i
nteractions and it is shown that certain approximations, such as U-d =
infinity and t(pp) = 0, can be qualitatively incorrect.