Most analyses of the relationship between group size and food intake o
f social carnivores have shown a discrepancy between the group size th
at maximizes energy intake and that which is most frequently observed.
Around southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, killer whales of
the so-called transient form forage in small groups, and appear to pre
y exclusively on marine mammals. Between 1986 and 1993, in approximate
ly 434 h of observations on transient killer whales, we observed 138 a
ttacks on five species of marine mammals. Harbor seals were most frequ
ently attacked (130 occasions), and the observed average energy intake
rate was more than sufficient for the whale's energetic needs. Energy
intake varied with group size, with groups of three having the highes
t energy intake rate per individual. While groups of three were most f
requently encountered, the group size experienced by an average indivi
dual in the population (i.e., typical group size) is larger than three
. However, comparisons between observed and expected group sizes shoul
d utilize only groups engaged in the behavior of interest. The typical
size of groups consisting only of adult and subadult whales that were
engaged primarily in foraging activities confirms that these individu
als are found in groups that are consistent with the maximization of e
nergy intake hypothesis. Larger groups may form for (1) the occasional
hunting of prey other than harbor seals, for which the optimal foragi
ng group size is probably larger than three; and (2) the protection of
calves and other social functions.