We consider a sine-Gordon model in 1 + 1 dimensions modified by the ad
dition of a further kinetic term similar to the Skyrme term in higher
dimensions and an extra potential term. The model has interesting prop
erties. In particular, in addition to the familiar sine-Gordon soliton
it possesses a double-kink solution which has an internal oscillatory
mode. The sine-Gordon kink has a definite velocity and this velocity
is a critical velocity for the double-kink structures. For some range
of the parameters the model has two different solutions, with the same
boundary conditions, which propagate at the velocity of the sine-Gord
on kink. When the exact solutions are perturbed or acted upon by an ex
ternal force they radiate short wavelength oscillations and keep a vel
ocity which remains below the critical value. The same radiation can a
lso stabilize the speed of pi-kink solutions for which the boundary co
nditions correspond to two different levels of the potential energy.